ASDF-V is an interactive vector graphics tool for visualizing sequence diagrams in the Augmented Sequence Diagram Format (ASDF). Select an ASDF file to view and interact with it.
All operations are performed locally within the browser. Data remains on the device, with no information transferred to or stored on any server. For further assurance, the repository can be cloned or downloaded from GitHub, and index.html opened locally.
© 2024-2025 Tamás Dezső (
Release Notes - v1.3 (January 29, 2025)
- Significantly improve processing performance
- Hide unlinked participants by default (toggleable)
- Render active gridline
- Execute actions multiple times by prefixing a number
- Drop signals by marking window start/end
- Support optional diagram title
- Stretch sequence number bubbles for big numbers
Release Notes - v1.2 (January 12, 2025)
- Support even very big asdf files
- Show event timestamps
- Introduce Vim-like keyboard navigation
- Implement signal search, also inspired by Vim
- Add help page with keyboard shortcut reference
- Simplify and restyle user interface
Release Notes - v1.1 (December 12, 2024)
- Paginate large diagrams
- Show diagram/display summary
- Add syntax definition
Release Notes - v1.0 (December 10, 2024)
- Parse and visualize ASDF input
- View/peek additional signal information on click/hover
- Hide, unhide and reorder participants as preferred
- Filter signals by hiding participants
- Highlight clicked signal and relations by coloring when needed
- Show/hide instance identifiers on signal arrows
- Emphasize special signals by coloring
- Keep participant order and visibliity over reloads, if reasonable
- Preserve toolbar settings in browser over page reloads
- Assign sequence numbers to signals
- Align window heights for diagram and additional info
- Render big diagrams in chunks
- Show floating participants header
- Preserve/adapt scroll positions
Feature Requests
- Filter signals by time (interval) and additional info content
- Show signal list view on demand
- Resolve signal relations beyond neighbours
- Fold indentation blocks in additional info
- Render additional info header